Thursday, August 22, 2013

La Casa - The House

I dreamed about this song a couple of weeks ago... which is funny because last weekend I found an old iPod that's been sitting on a drawer for months now and this song was one of the few there.

This is useless. Here comes a sleepless night...

I'll have to sell this house,
because every single person that walks by
asks me about her owner.
I'm going to sell it cheap,
I don't need it anymore,
I have a new one.

I'll sell it cheap.
I only think how long it stood,
the sacrifices we went through, all the pain.
How did that ungrateful woman with no feelings walked-away?
Leaving our love nest to die?

I feel young, still.
The pain will not defeat me.
I know God takes care of men,
and I swear on my own name,
I'll overcome this.

I need find myself a young girl,
that doesn't know what happened and learns to love me. 
That understands that a ring is not necessary anymore,
that marriage is not the only key to joy.


  1. Horcrux vallenato. Cásquele por qué que más.

    1. La carcajadota ha sido mayuscula!!!
      Cuando se ha visto un Horcrux taaaaaaan tropical?!?!?!


    2. Jajajajajajajajajajajajaja me rio tarde, pero me rio!!!

    3. Tarde pero no deja de ser chistoso.
      Menos mal ya lei toooodos los libros, o si no, ni capto el chiste.


Keep talking... I'm listening.