Sunday, July 1, 2012

Writing is easy... right?

Sure, easy when you know what you're doing!

The only reason this new blog exists is the need to force my brain to think and write in English (or at least more than what's happening now). I'm a Spanish speaking geek trying to finish what started as a "sweet life ambition" of a thesis and it has become the reason I can't sleep at night, I have to wake-up at 3.30am 2 times a week, the reason I feel guilty every time I go out with my friends and the reason I forgot what a normal life is. Yes, I'm a graduate student.

... well... that and the fact that I had to kill the one blog in Spanish I loved writing on (don't ask, I can make you cry with the story, trust me) and then created a new one with sad little love lines of how my absolutely little broken heart is, well, absolutely broken.

I don't really like that one, and I don't want to sound like a bad blog-mother. But it's just not right, it's  alive but is not my best work.
Not only because of the reasons that brought that cyber-baby into the cyber-world, and the I-want-to-shoot-myself posts; but because just a few people knew about it and.. well... zero comments don't serve the narcissistic goal of a personal blog --- 'cause let's be honest, we bloggers want to become Arianna Huffington, Harvey Levin, ,Yoani Sanchez or AT LEAST Perez Hilton at one point or another, right? --- no? no one? well, at least I do.

Anyway, here goes, hold on tight... my English is not perfect so I know "lovers gonna love and haters gonna hate", I don't mind, as long as you show up and say something.


  1. Mafe, this is a great idea, it's good to force yourselve to do things outside of your confort zone, you know I have been a great fan of your blog, so I will be reading this one as well and I will try to comment more often.

  2. I am here to say... I am number 60! I made the first 100! I will go for my prize later ;)
    Now getting serious, I think its a great idea, and I will be here every week or every time I check my reader and you have something, because we both know that there are some weeks were nothing comes out.
    So my english is not better but as I am in the same crusade and you are my friend I will be right by your side
    Read you later!!!

    PS: I really hate your captcha! It doesn`t believe me I am a human being! Grrrrr (or maybe I am not...)

  3. Although I think your blog will always be funnier in Spanish because of all the Colombian sayings and colloquialisms, this is a great idea, Mafe. :D

  4. It will always be good to read you!! Keep going Mafe!! Saludos :)

  5. Even though I'm new at reading your blogs, I can say that no matter what language your are using, the rhythm of Mafe's words remains the same! Keep up the good writing....

  6. "force my brain to think and write in English"... Hasta ahora???
    "feel guilty every time I go out with my friends"... Pero el blog-EMO tiene entradas de 12am, 2am... Duh!
    Do I sound like a bad blog-aunt is I suggest a triple bloggicide de un solo tajo?
    El mundo está loco... yo mejor le subo al yoPod al tope...


Keep talking... I'm listening.