Tuesday, March 24, 2015

So... this happened

About 2 weeks ago the Earth shook... and it was HARD.
It was considerably stronger that the last one I experienced, back in 2011 while living in New Jersey.

I was having coffee at an outdoor terrace with a friend, we were taking a break. I had a meeting in a couple of minutes and she was almost done with classes.

As we felt the first bang, we just stepped away from the building, coffee in hand and walked to the lab, where some of our students were performing tremor frequency simulations (oops!!!).
I walked into the lab, laughting and said "Duuuuudes! what did you do!?!?!? no extra cookie points for that!!!"

Anyway, thinking back on that afternoon, I realized I had a couple of things on my mind while everything was shaking:
My sister's all by herself... on the 15th floor. She must've felt something really funky upthere.
Thank goodness the lady that cleans my apartment is not home today, she'd be crying out loud by now.
Why are those girls screaming so loud? it's not THAT bad. Can anyone say: Drama Queens?
Mmmmm... interesting, the coffee sign is moving side by side, the shoking wave came from the North.
Heeeeey! CNN is tweeting about his... it's the first time I'm part of a trending topic. Famous much???

I realized I wasn't scared, or shaken.  I saw people crying, calling home... jamming the lines.
I sent a text to my family "I'm ok".
My sister replied: It was horrible!!!!!!!

Later that night when I got home, I found a cracks on the walls, the terrace door wide open and a couple of little things from high shelves on the floor.

Did my brainless geeky-brain saved me from being petrified? Maybe?

So... that happened.

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